Online neuroanatomy courses - instant access




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Full and expanded ONLINE version of our most popular neuroanatomy course. Provides a clear and accessible introduction to structural, functional and radiological anatomy. Available NOW!

Read more about this course

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1.  When prompted, enter your name and email address to create a user account


2.  Choose a password and enter your credit/debit card details securely


3.  Once payment is processed, receive instant access for 60 days


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Full ONLINE version of our popular 2-day course. Structural and functional neuroanatomy for psychology, neuroscience, neurology and psychiatry

Coming soon - more information

Available online courses





Full ONLINE version of our most popular neuroanatomy course


Provides a clear and accessible introduction to structural, functional and radiological (MRI) neuroanatomy


Comprehensive course - assumes minimal prior knowledge: £395




  • 25 hours of high quality neuroanatomy lectures
  • View on demand - flexible access for 60 days
  • Emphasises functional, clinical and radiological (MRI) neuroanatomy
  • 220 review questions with detailed explanations
  • Certificate of completion, CPD-accredited

Approved by the Royal Society of Biology for purposes of CPD,

this event may be counted as 72 CPD points

Mean feedback for the July 2019 (attendance) course 4.9/5.0. This programme is also highly-rated by junior doctors and consultants in neurology, psychiatry and neurosurgery as a refresher course and update.


What's included?


Contains ALL the material from our highly-popular 3-day course, plus additional full-length lectures, bonus material and self-test quizzes. Each learning unit has a live 'discussion board' where you can interact with other users - and submit questions to the course director.


Course director


Dr Paul Johns, BSc BM MSc FAcadMEd FRSB FRCPath

Consultant Neuropathologist

Reader in Clinical Neuroanatomy





Each of the 22 online learning units represents approximately 60 minutes of online learning, incorporating lecture slides, videos, interactive elements and expert narration.


Module One

Overview of the human brain


Module Two

Brain development


Module Three

White matter tracts and cerebral cortex


Module Four

Sensory and motor areas and pathways


Module Five

Frontal lobe and prefrontal cortex


Module Six

Parietal, occipital and temporal lobes


Module Seven

Brain stem and diffuse neurochemical systems


Module Eight

Structural and functional anatomy of the cerebellum


Module Nine

Arterial supply and venous drainage of the brain


Module Ten

Venous drainage and dural venous sinuses


Module Eleven

Corpus striatum, thalamus and internal capsule


Module Twelve

Basal ganglia loops and ventral striatum


Module Thirteen

Limbic lobe and insula


Module Fourteen

Hippocampus and amygdala


Self-test and review

Ten single-best answer (5-item) MCQ quizzes at the end of every section


On completion

CPD-accredited, certificate of completion

More information


This exciting online programme provides a detailed overview of human brain anatomy presented in a very clear and accessible way. It is unlike traditional neuroanatomy courses, emphasising understanding over rote learning.

The comprehensive programme gives a firm grasp of the three-dimensional structure of the brain with clinical and functional integration, which students find enjoyable - and a powerful aid to long-term recall.





Full ONLINE version of our popular 2-day course


Structural and functional neuroanatomy for psychology, neuroscience, neurology and psychiatry


More advanced course delivered in a clear, accessible style: £395



  • Over 12 hours of high quality neuroanatomy lectures
  • Flexible access for 30 days - view on demand
  • Focuses on the anatomy of emotion, memory, cognition and behaviour
  • Self-test quizzes for each section
  • Certificate of completion with CPD accreditation


Mean feedback for the August 2019 course 4.9/5.0. 


What is included


Contains ALL the material from our 2-day limbic brain anatomy course, plus additional full-length lectures, bonus material and self-test quizzes. Each learning unit has a live 'discussion board' where you can interact with other users - and submit questions to the course director.


Course director


Dr Paul Johns, BSc BM MSc FAcadMEd FRSB FRCPath

Consultant Neuropathologist

Reader in Clinical Neuroanatomy



Each module represents approximately 90 minutes of online learning, incorporating lecture slides, videos and expert narration.


Module One: 

The Limbic System: An historical overview


Module Two

The Limbic Lobe and Cingulate Region


Module Three

Hippocampus, Entorhinal Cortex and Fornix


Module Four

Prefrontal Region and Orbitomedial Prefrontal Cortex


Module Five

Amygdala: Anatomy, Connections and Function


Module Six

Insula and Paralimbic Cortex: Topography and Function


Module Seven

Septal Area and Diffuse Neurochemical Systems


Module Eight

Olfactory Areas, Basal Forebrain and Extended Amygdala


Module Nine

Ventral Striatum and Non-motor Basal Ganglia Loops

Who is the course suitable for?

Anyone with an interest in the anatomical basis of emotion, cognition, memory and behaviour, including:

- neuroscientists, psychologists and imaging scientists interested in or conducting research in emotion, cognition, memory or behaviour


- NHS consultants and trainees (all grades), medical students and related healthcare professionals in psychiatry, clinical neurology / neurosciences

- Trainees in neurology, psychiatry and neurosurgery, including specialty trainees preparaing for the MRCPsych examination


More information


This more advanced course is ideal for delegates who have already completed the 3-day programme - or who already have a good understanding of basic brain anatomy.

Topics include: history of the 'limbic system' concept, limbic lobe, cingulate region (four-region model), hippocampal formation, fimbria-fornix, prefrontal cortex and orbitofrontal region, septal area, amygdala and 'extended amygdala'.

Also covered: basal forebrain, substantia innominata, reticular formation, diffuse neurochemical systems, functional anatomy of the basal ganglia (cognitive, motor and affective loops) and their relevance to neuropsychiatric disorders.

Our attendance courses




The following table shows details of our lecture-based (attendance) courses. For more information, select a tab from the left.

General information:

(i) all courses are non-residential and (unless stated otherwise) do not include food or accommodation

(ii) all delegates receive a certificate of attendance at the end of the course and can self-allocate one CPD point for each hour of teaching


Course comparison - at a glance

  Human Brain
Anatomy Course   

Neuroanatomy Video Dissection Workshop

Limbic Brain



     Introductory      Intermediate     More advanced


         ****            *****              ***


        *****             ***              ***


          ***             ***              ***


        2 days           2 days            2 days

    All brain areas      All brain areas         Limbic brain

         £395              £395             £395


       4.9 / 5.0          4.9 / 5.0          4.9 / 5.0

    6-12 monthly       6-12 monthly        6-12 monthly
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